Anonymous Ensemble is raising funds to support our work in 2025!

Anonymous Ensemble is raising funds to support our work in 2025!

If you are having trouble with the Venmo link, search for @AnonymousEnsemble under Charities.

If you would prefer to donate via paper check, please note that our new mailing address is:
249 Smith St. #109, Brooklyn NY 11231

Current Projects:

Remember / Recuerdo
Anonymous Ensemble’s Recuerdo/Remember invites audiences to explore both the remarkable process of the creation of memory and its fallibilities. Drawing from the ensemble’s memories and the audience’s, the interactive performance involves the careful handling of mementos, the dusting off of obsolete media, and the recollection of the fine-feathered bed of a Cuban immigrant couple in Miami in the 1990s.

Currently on tour, Llontop celebrates Andean culture and language through an interactive installation of Peruvian heirlooms and a live performance featuring the song-poems of Quechua poet Irma Alvarez-Ccoscco.

The Work

Anonymous Ensemble creates new theater, performance media, and live film. Incorporating original texts, music, rituals, and technologies, we foster intimate experiences between local and digitally global communities. By giving voice and agency to our audiences and collaborators, we celebrate the complexity of the human condition through collective storytelling.


Anonymous Ensemble was founded in 2001 and has created new work every year since. We have presented work throughout New York City and the United States, as well as Greece, England, Scotland, Norway, Germany, and Australia. We value creating community wherever we are and we ask how the audience can be co-creators of each performance event.


e n s e m b l e (at) a n o n y m o u s e n s e m b l e . o r g

Lucrecia Briceño, Eamonn Farrell, Jessica Weinstein, Liz Davito

Board of Trustees:
Majo Ferrucho, Sharon Levy, Lenore Malen, Thomas Kavanagh, Sven Del Vecchio, Jessica Weinstein, Lucrecia Briceño, Liz Davito, Eamonn Farrell


The Owl and The Flowers

writing and performance by:Jessica Weinstein with:Eamonn Farrell – VideoTiappa Klimovitsky – ComposerLucrecia Briceño – LightsRebecca Lustig – Costumes A continuation of a series of semi-autobiographical “tall” performances written and performed by AnEn member Jessica Weinstein. The solo performance is an intimate live-film experience for the audience as they move through an image-scape of personal yet …

Body Of Land

Anonymous Ensemble has conceived of Body of Land as a project that we will adapt for each green space in which it is presented in collaboration with the human community associated with that particular body of land. Anonymous Ensemble’s Body of Land: Westbrook Memorial Garden is an organic/technological performance that features the plants of the Crown Heights …


Featuring the song-poems of Quechua poet and activist Irma Alvarez-Ccoscco, Anonymous Ensemble’s Llontop celebrates indigenous Andean culture and language. The piece is an interactive installation of Peruvian objects and a live film performance for both in-person and virtual audiences followed by a lively conversation with the artists about the work and about Quechua empowerment. Photos …