Anonymous Ensemble is raising funds to support our work in 2025!
If you are having trouble with the Venmo link, search for @AnonymousEnsemble under Charities.
If you would prefer to donate via paper check, please note that our new mailing address is:
249 Smith St. #109, Brooklyn NY 11231
Current Projects:
Remember / Recuerdo
Anonymous Ensemble’s Recuerdo/Remember invites audiences to explore both the remarkable process of the creation of memory and its fallibilities. Drawing from the ensemble’s memories and the audience’s, the interactive performance involves the careful handling of mementos, the dusting off of obsolete media, and the recollection of the fine-feathered bed of a Cuban immigrant couple in Miami in the 1990s.

Currently on tour, Llontop celebrates Andean culture and language through an interactive installation of Peruvian heirlooms and a live performance featuring the song-poems of Quechua poet Irma Alvarez-Ccoscco.